Training for a Half Marathon: Week 12

It is officially my twelfth week of training for the half marathon. For the past month, I have been following this schedule:

2 miles
Core and legs
4 miles
6 miles
4 miles
Day off
9 miles

Until now, the runs have been long but relatively easy. At the start of each run, I have simply put on my headphones and zoned out. But over the next couple weeks, I have to take it up a notch. Now the real training begins. With just under 8 weeks before race day, I need to start timing my splits and training my body to race.

In addition to training my body, I need to train my mind. The most important component of my mental training is creating the perfect playlist. I have been compiling a running playlist for the past couple months but I could use some input! What songs do you listen to on long runs?


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