Online Dating: Guy Two

Photo Credit: Fiestah
On date one with Guy Two, I went to a delicious sandwich shop called Cafe Gaia. Still nervous about online dating, I asked him to meet me for lunch. Lunch seemed harmless and I was not ready for the anxiety of another museum date. Unfortunately, my prosciutto sandwich was the most memorable aspect of lunch (Seriously, it was incredible. I still think about it... )
Guy Two and I got along fine but there was no spark. We had barely anything in common. When the meal ended, I was ready to go home but my lunch idea was backfiring! I didn't know how to leave without seeming rude. At the time, we were both underemployed. I had the day off work, and Guy Two was in between auditions for opera houses. We were free in the middle of the day, with no obligations waiting for either of us. If it was later in the day, I could have used the I-have-work-early-tomorrow excuse to go home. Since it was only two in the afternoon, I was stuck walking around Little Italy and Chinatown with a guy I had no intention of dating.

We probably spent close to three hours wandering around until my friend called me and asked me to meet him at the park. It was a lame excuse but I was prepared to jump on it. I explained to Guy Two that I had to meet up with a friend in crisis and booked it up to Washington Square Park. I only realized a couple days later that Guy Two and I never exchanged phone numbers. I thought I would feel rejected the first time I wasn't asked on a second date, but I was relieved. I didn't have to worry about awkwardly explaining why I wasn't interested. It was the most mature parting of ways I have ever experienced. Even if it was initiated with an excuse...


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