DIY: Wall Mounted Earring Display

I have a beautiful earring collection and I love finding new ways to display it. During college, I used an old window with cork panes and thumbtacks to display all my earrings and necklaces in one place. After graduation, I was ready for a change. My tiny basement apartment was decorated in earthy tones, and my rustic white window did not fit with the rest of the decor. Instead, I purchased six chocolate brown 12" x 14" picture frames and replaced the glass with cork. 

Now that I have moved yet again, I decided to ditch the cork and find a more airy way to display my jewelry...
I browsed the internet for several days looking for something that would fit my decor and my budget, but nothing seemed to work. That's when I decided to make my own! I purchased a simple wooden frame and two small sheets of chicken wire from Michael's. Using a hot glue gun, I glued the chicken wire to the back of the frame.

This simple design is versatile, but I wanted something a little more personal. I picked a beautiful, durable fabric that matched my room's color scheme.

Using fabric glue, I secured the fabric on the backside of the frame (I used fabric glue instead of hot glue, to make sure the glue didn't compromise the fabric coloring or texture).

The frame is fairly heavy, making it important to use the right hanging tools. I purchased a sawtooth hanger from Home Depot and measured several times before screwing it into the wood. 

Once it was hung on the wall, I had a beautiful, unique way to display my jewelry! For those of you who would like to create an all-in-one display (to include necklaces and bracelets), you can easily add a row of small screw hooks along the bottom! Happy crafting!


  1. It came out really well! Love the juxtaposition of sophisticated fabric with rustic frame and chicken hire. You could also have used a staple gun to attach chicken wire and fabric, if you have one. Good creative work!

  2. So good to see you agai, Thealogy!


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