Brooklyn is Love: Brooklyn Boulders

A couple weeks ago I received an email from the Mount Holyoke Club of NYC inviting me to join other young alumnae in a day of rock climbing. As a child, I went rock climbing a couple times for friends' birthdays and I remember loving every moment of it! I was not about to pass up the opportunity to relive this childhood memory! The experience was definitely different than I remembered...
Brooklyn Boulders is an awesome facility in the truest sense of the word. First, the warehouse is enormous. The equipment seems to go on infinitely and includes climbing walls, yoga studios, weights and a pingpong table. Second, the gym is filled with people of all different shapes, sizes, and experience levels. There were people hanging from the climbing holds by only three fingers, just feet from where my friends and I struggled to scale the wall in our harnesses.

But perhaps the most amazing thing about Brooklyn Boulders is the workout! My childhood memories led me to believe rock climbing was easy. I expected to spend the entire day climbing around but I was exhausted after only an hour! I spent about half the time I was there sitting on the ground recovering. Thank goodness the gym was filled with nice and interesting people. And thank goodness I went with my dear friend Maria, who can makes friends with anyone! As I huffed and puffed on the ground, Maria introduced herself to other climbers and had them explain the tricks of the trade. Armed with knowledge, self confidence and aching arms, Maria and I made our last attempts to reach the top!

Unfortunately, I was never able to get to the top of that wall! The incline combined with my weak arms made it impossible for me to get more than half way up. That wall has become my white whale and I must conquer it. I am going to spend the rest of the summer working on my arms and, in the fall, I will dominate it.

I would recommend rock climbing to anyone who is interested in having fun while working out. And let's be honest, who isn't interested in adding fun to their workout routine?


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