Brooklyn is Love: Smorgasburg

Williamsburg has become a bustling extension of Manhattan. At this weekend's Smorgasburg, there were tons of people milling about despite the cold weather. Apparently, this "Brooklyn Flea Food Market," has become a destination for New Yorkers. Local food vendors set up booths in East River State Park and sell their delicious treats to hungry hipsters.

After indulging in a chicken parmesan hero, my beautiful friends and I headed to the flea market across the street. Heather and I modeled bedazzled sunglasses while attempting not to spend our latest paychecks on handmade accessories.

The whole day was great fun but I was shocked by how crowded Brooklyn has become! I loved looking around the flea market and adjacent thrift shops but I can't imagine trying to shop in Williamsburg. There are too many people! I couldn't wait to get back to my quiet (but never dull) Park Slope neighborhood. 


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