Final Day of Classes

Today was my final day of undergraduate classes! Well, I guess technically I finished classes last Thursday. But today was my last day attending the first year seminar I have been mentoring this semester. It was an absolute blast! Professor Morgan started the course with appreciations. The class said so many wonderful things to me, I thought I was going to cry! I have been keeping it together during all of these farewell events but I almost fell apart when I heard appreciations from some of my favorite mentees.

After our emotional goodbyes, Professor Morgan pulled out ping bong balls and paddles. The entire class participated in a game of ping pong across the lecture table.

I especially loved how Professor Morgan joined in on the fun:

This was definitely the best way to end the semester and my time at Mount Holyoke!  Thank you Professor Morgan and Anthropology 103 students! You are the best! 


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