Fall Guide to Western Mass: Saturday at Six Flags


Six Flags in the summer is swelteringly hot.  Children's screams pierce the air as you wait on never ending lines to sit next to other hot, sweaty bodies. But Six Flags in the fall is absolutely wonderful!  I know because this morning my friend and I decided it was about time to visit Six Flags. The day started off wonderfully when we met a kind family who offered us a 50% off coupon! After saving 25 dollars in park fees, the day could only get better!


We started our adventure with a tame coaster and worked our way up to the most death-defying ride. Between rides, I stopped to admire the beauty of an amusement park in the fall.  The brightly colored trees added to the excitement of the atmosphere and the cool weather made waiting in line more bearable.

Goliath - A truly horrifying roller coaster

But the truly wonderful part of the day was not the weather or the short lines.  It was the thrill and cathartic release of every roller coaster. By the middle of October, the stress of fall semester has overwhelmed me.  But all of the anxiety and nervousness I have felt the past couple days melted away when I managed to survive the corkscrews. Each roller coaster rid me of another worry. At the end of the day, we could not stop laughing or shaking! 

For more information about hours of operation and prices for Six Flags New England click here!

How do you relieve stress in the middle of the semester? Is a day of death-defying rides enough to lower your heart rate back at school?


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