Live the Thandi Way

Happiness and self-worth come from within.  In order to live the Thandi Way, we must love and appreciate ourselves.  Recently, I discovered the 12 Things Happy People Do Differently, which put into words all the things that I hope this blog becomes.  I thought sharing this list would be a perfect first-post for the new school year!

12 Thing Happy People Do Differently
  1. Express gratitude. – When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value.  Kinda cool right?  So basically, being grateful for the goodness that is already evident in your life will bring you a deeper sense of happiness.  And that’s without having to go out and buy anything.  It makes sense.  We’re gonna have a hard time ever being happy if we aren’t thankful for what we already have.
  2. Cultivate optimism. – Winners have the ability to manufacture their own optimism.  No matter what the situation, the successful diva is the chick who will always find a way to put an optimistic spin on it.  She knows failure only as an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.  People who think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities, especially in trying times.
  3. Avoid over-thinking and social comparison. – Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous.  If we’re somehow ‘better’ than the person that we’re comparing ourselves to, it gives us an unhealthy sense ofsuperiority.  Our ego inflates – KABOOM – our inner Kanye West comes out!  If we’re ‘worse’ than the person that we’re comparing ourselves to, we usually discredit the hard work that we’ve done and dismiss all the progress that we’ve made.  What I’ve found is that the majority of the time this type of social comparison doesn’t stem from a healthy place.  If you feel called to compare yourself to something, compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself.
Click here for a complete list of the 12 Things Happy People Do Differently.


  1. This is a smart way to look at the world. There is so much out of our control. The only thing we can control is how we react to what the world delivers. By reacting in a positive way, we avoid stress and put out energy for the good that revisits us. I was never sorry when I felt an attitude of gratitude. I was always unhappy when I thought the world was not my friend


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