Fall Festivities: Apple Picking

Apple picking is one of my favorite fall activities. I love roaming through orchards, sampling all of the varieties and filling my bag with delicious, crisp apples. After living in Western Massachusetts for the past four years, I thought everyone was enthusiastic about apple picking. But it turns out that New Yorkers don't often leave the city on apple hunts. As a result, I was convinced I was going to miss out on fresh, handpicked apples this year. Fortunately, I made it up to Massachusetts before the first frost!

There is something romantic about the beauty and serenity of an orchard. As a child, I always fantasized of reading and munching on fruit high up in the tree tops. As an adult, I couldn't resist climbing into the trees despite my inappropriate attire. If I had brought a book, I could have spent the entire day hidden among the leaves. But there were other activities to capture my attention. The farm had an incredible hedge maze and delicious apple cider donuts that lured me out of the trees.

I already can't wait to go apple picking again next year! :)


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