What's Wrong With This Picture?

I am not a huge fan of Facebook. At its best, Facebook is a de-personalized form of communication that threatens our ability to learn effective public speaking skills. At its worst, Facebook is a forum for psychological bullying. Usually this bullying is initiated by individuals who are too cowardly to acknowledge a disagreement in person. But today, I encountered an even worse form of Facebook bullying - a "suggested post" implying that I should seek cosmetic surgery. 

I have no idea how Facebook decided that I would appreciate this post. I do not purchase make-up over the internet nor have I ever done a Google search for plastic surgeons. The only way Facebook could have targeted me for this advertisement is through assumptions based upon my gender. I am upset and disgusted by this "suggested" advertisement and I wonder how many other women are subjected to this type of abuse. Are young women who are already insecure about their bodies also being exposed to this silent form of body criticism? And when these critiques happen out of sight, on a personal computer, how will others know to intervene? 

Women are constantly bombarded with messages about how their bodies need to change to be "perfect" or "desirable."But these messages usually come in obvious advertisements that can be skipped or muted, not nestled between family pictures and notes to friends. Don't be fooled ladies, these advertisements on Facebook are not friendly nor catered to your needs. They are evil and are meant to feed on your insecurities when your guard is down. Remember: You are naturally beautiful, don't let Facebook convince you otherwise. 


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